
Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Wampum Jewelry and Beadwork

Wampum Jewelry and Beadwork
by Andrew Hunter
The Story of Wampum

Wampum is made from the Quohog clam shell. It was used by East Coast Native Americans for ceremonies, adornment and as a medium of exchange. The deep purple section of the shell is know as "Sacki" and has double the value of the "Wompi" (the white section).           

Wampum became known as the Native's badge of wealth and position. It is most noted for its role in the historic "Treaty Belts" of the Iroquois which tell of tribal history and agreements with the United States. If one carried wampum, it was believed to be one's passport to the Spirit World.     

Meherrin jewelry maker, Andrew Hunter, by adapting the techniques of turquoise jewelry to wampum, has revitalized a precious element of eastern Woodland culture. The Meherrin still reside in North Carolina, near the route of the historic Great Trading Path.

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