
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Buffalohair, Having Visions & Surviving Them

Having Visions & Surviving Them

By now many people who’ve been plagued with ‘fitful dreams or visions’ are well aware these premonitions are coming to pass. In speaking with readers from a multitude of countries it is clear no single culture can claim exclusivity with regard to spirituality & visions. For people who’ve come to terms with life’s paranormal realities, it is not a matter of ‘If’ visions are real but how to survive them as prophetic events strike at the core of their lives and sensibilities, myself included.

I’m not immune to the time of change and share a place in the trenches with the rest of you buttheads as prophecies come to pass. It should be as plain as the nose on your face that evil, greed and deception are the cornerstones of mankind’s ‘New Era’ of globalization. Morality was replaced by the corporate bottom line and the cries of the innocent are an exercise in futility. Industries lust for rare earth minerals, oil & gold and will resort to criminality and genocide to acquisition minerals around the world to the joy of their investors. In the grand scheme of things investors are equally culpable for the sins corporate thugs commit in the name of profits. In essence investors have as much blood on their hands as investees and ultimately will share in the retribution their antics spawned. What comes around, goes around homeboy so don’t snivel like a baby when you get a taste of your own medicine eh. It will not fly but you can kid yourselves all you want but the only people you will fool is yourself. That’s the bug in the ointment for people who claim they were unaware or oblivious of the crimes committed by their investees and blind trusts are only sugar coated blood money.

The good news is the fact man’s reign of greed and deception is reaching its crescendo in one of the most elaborate pyramid schemes ever concocted, globalization. Centuries and centuries of abuse by a hand full of families are coming to a close boys and girls as predicted within a multitude of dogmas & oral traditions and it does not stop there. Dogmas and ideological principles from throughout the planet describe catastrophic disasters of every kind. I’ve yet to find words to describe what I’ve seen in visions since I never saw or heard of these events before in nature. We will soon learn how other advanced civilizations simply went kaput. Take it or leave it but that’s what I’ve seen in visions since I was a poop butt kid and I can safely say many of my readers around the world share these very same visions.

With all that said, adnauseam I might add, there is the personal aspect to the era we live. We can prepare physically for catastrophe with shelters, stocks of food, water and guns but we are powerless to defend ourselves from those butt crack spirits that manipulate ‘simple’ minds. But if you are already hooked up within your dogma or ideological principle this is a no brainer and you already prepared for the spirit war that is happening at this very moment. The only problem is the fact you might be prepared spiritually but that does not mean everyone else around you is, and that’s where the kink in the garden hose is. It’s a real pisser I tell yea.

No matter how much you prepare spiritually there is no guarantees and we can’t dodge mankind’s proverbial bullet when people around us begin to lose control and follow the influences of evil. The family unit is the primary target for bad spirits and they are working over time and family units are being destroyed around the world. Remember that brother against brother and father against son part of prophecy? That is in full bloom as family after family falls pray to spirits who are attacking them. Why? Well it is really quite simply since family has strength and a bond that evil can’t quite stand and they will go out of their way to crap in your corn flakes.

Not all families are being destroyed but if you asked a family that is still bonded they will tell you how much crap they are
taking from just about everywhere. It’s those butt crack spirits trying to screw them over and they will resort to anything to break the bond of a family unit. Other families who are not in tune are killing their kids, husbands/wives and destroying their own lives for a host of lame reasons, especially from stupid voice in their pin-heads. The news is wracked with stories of abuses, murders and suicides from seemingly healthy families in the heart of suburbia. Families that were considered pillars of the community by their peers are doing some crazy ka ka. From sacrificing their kids to roasting them in the oven, people are losing a grip with sanity in droves.  

For people like me who are aware of this time of change it is not a matter of proving that change is here, it’s a matter of surviving all those visions and prophecies we know are coming. I’ve seen and experienced some strange things in my lifetime but watching the masses go mad must be the highlight of my paranormal experiences to date. Space dudes don’t hold a candle to this new form of mass hysteria but they will add to the chaos in the future. But rest assured this is only the beginning for the spirit-world is going into hyper drive. Sadly world leaders are in the deep pockets of evil and from what we already know, evil is in the drivers seat and doing a fine job in many nations.   

People rant about Scientology, pointing fingers at Elron Hubbard’s crew and scared entity but not a peep is uttered about the other secretive groups the elitists from around the world are members of. Elitists are in for a big surprise because they are destined to be betrayed by their own and sacred entities for that is prophecy as well. Just suppose these elitists are all ga ga with some alien being they presume to be benevolent and the true keeps of the secrets of the universe. Obviously these pencil neck geeks will be considered G*D’s but that is pure blarney and I am surprised these so called educated elitists fell for it in the first place. But as we all know, greed blinds a person’s soul and humans are really stupid anyway when it comes down to it. Like chickens in a coup, people will follow anyone who offers them some corn with a promise of more, even the devil himself apparently.

Mankind never actually became ‘civilized’ and is only a half step away from the stone age and eating thy neighbor. I still can’t find the passage in their sacred book that states where it is OK to kill people, take their land and murder the survivors though. Just skip the civilized part, mankind is just stupid and should stick their tongues in a wall socket and save Ma Earth the trouble making them extinct. Man has been stupid for a long time; just go back to the time of Ramses the 2nd and the shameful use of religion so troops can fight under one religion. Butthead Constantine mistook aliens and UFO’s for a sign from G*D to kill people and that was pure stupid. Charlemagne only drove the point home and it all went down hill from there and through the ages. Using G*D to justify killing people was a contradiction of their sacred teachings but that’s OK, G*D said it’s cool to kill for material gain, riches, land and now; rare earth minerals. Funny how some very exclusive elitist groups claim lineage to those butt cracks of world history but that should be a sign as to who is following the false profit.

There is really nothing we serfs can do about it but bare in mind Ma Earth has something for their ass. The elitist’s days are numbered no matter how many advanced weapons they have and people they kill off to protect their lies, their ass is toast and there is nothing they can do about it. Their not-so-sacred entities will also be on the hot seat no matter what they try to do either. When the day comes elitists finally reveal their sacred connection I will not be impressed. Why pay homage to alien or spirit pukes who shared technology with greedy and reprehensible people over the millennia’s who used it to dominate and murder people”? I’ll wager the revelation of alien involvement with elitists will be more about control, domination and a way to keep the masses in check in a form of spiritual shock doctrine.

Bare in mind there are more spirits and aliens on earth now than every before and they are not all grays, browns and reptilians. Many look almost like us except for a few minor details and others don’t even need a craft to zip in and out of earth’s atmosphere.  Any supernatural crappola elitists reveal in the future will only verify my point they’ve been hooked up with bad spirits or star people all along. In my visions I saw people from all cultures totally freaking out when governments revealed their ‘sacred’ connection with extraterrestrials.

Having visions and getting a glimpse of what the future holds is sort of cool but also a major pain in the ass these days for me since I have to live through all this Scheiss, if I am lucky. I am not alone for there are people from across the globe from all quarters of society who are having the same visions as I only they are silent because of a myriad if reasons including the fear of being labeled a nut case. They also share anxiety or frustration at stupid earth guys who continue to ignore the warnings of the ancients. The time of change has already begun and Ma Earth is counting coup. ‘The Stupid Earth Guy Show’ is only in the 2nd act and the juicy stuff is yet to come and you ain’t seen nothing yet baby. You really need to get a grip on this era or you will die only because you were too lame to see the forest for the trees or decided to ignore common sense. But if you choose to kiss ass with aliens that governments claim are benevolent then maybe you would be better off dead because you will have given your soul to the devil, just like them.

Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Buffalohair: Burma: Angels Assist Kachin Soldiers in Battlefield Miracles

Burma: Angels Assist Kachin Soldiers in Battlefield Miracles

In the heat of battle, Kachin troops found themselves under attack from several flanks. When all seemed lost a Kachin officer appeared out of nowhere, standing in plain view of both Burmese and Kachin troops. Instantly he began directing gunfire and the Kachin dutifully followed orders redirected their fire sucessfuly forcing the aggressors to retreat. The officer began pointing out other hot-spots; again the Kachin routed more entrenched invaders. When the battle was over the Kachin officer simply vanished into thin air.

Michael the Archangel

When Jinghpaw soldiers reported back to headquarters and inquired about this heroic officer in the battlefield, command did not know this officer nor did they send anyone. Soldiers who witnessed this phantom officer mentioned that he was standing tall in spite of Burmese troops shooting everything they had at him. This is not the first time a phantom officer appeared to Jinghpaw troops and literally save the day.

There is no question the Kachin march under the Christian flag as well as the Kachin. They pray before engaging the enemy and walk with absolute faith within their Baptist belief system. Are these phantoms actually Angel’s sent from G*D? To the fighting Kachin there is no question they have re-enforcements from a higher power. Superstitious Burmese troops also witnessed these phantoms and I could only imagine what went through their minds when bullets had no effect. Miracles have become regular occurrences for these brave and courageous Jinghpaw soldiers.

My Kachin brother stressed the point that the Kachin people don’t hate Burmese or other religions and only wish to live in harmony with their neighbors. He told me the Kachin already know they are alone in this fight. But with the arrival of these ‘Angel’s’ or phantoms they may not be as alone as they are perceived to be. These Angel’s appeared at a most critical time in the heat of combat and they were truly an answer to their prayers. With people from around the world also praying in earnest for a miracle it is a pleasure to inform them, “Yes your prayers most definitely are being heard and answered’.  

I also want the Jinghpaw back in Kachinland to know that they are not alone in their struggle to save their nation & people. They are in the hearts and soul of people from around the world and people from all denominations are offering prayers for their survival. As word spreads about the injustice being perpetrated against the Kachin people they are appalled and shocked as details come into focus. People are beginning to question their politicians as to exactly why sanctions are being lifted when people are being killed by a government who claims to be a budding democracy. They are also questioning why the media has chosen to disregard news about Burma’s Secret War.

My question is, “How many politicians are invested in corporations who want to turn Kachinland into an open pit mine?” Unfortunately, there are a multitude of politicians who are invested in mining and rare earth mineral futures globally speaking. With Hillary & Bill Clinton deep in the pockets of international mining interests Burma does have powerful allies. But with Angels re-enforcing Kachin soldiers in the battlefield Burma is woefully outnumbered and destined to be defeated. Just remember the story of David & Goliath, the story of a well armed Philistine behemoth of a warrior named Goliath, who was defeated by a simple rock tossed by a shepherd boy named David. Obviously Angels were with David and I can’t help but wonder; was Michael the Archangel disguise as a Kachin officer? I would not be surprised.

As for me, I will continue to make medicine and offer prayers within my tradition for my Kachin brothers and sister for they are not alone or forgotten, by me or G*D.

Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.
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Friday, June 22, 2012

Buffalohair Walking and Diabetes

Walking and Diabetes

I am a believer in early morning power walks and I’m living proof a person can beat diabetes, lower blood pressure and actually have something nice to say when confronted by humans. I used to run but now I try to knock off 4 miles in 50 minutes or so. I know there are people who can run circles around me and I don’t care. Sometimes I’ll mix a few half mile jaunts into my routine but walking is mostly what me and my PF Flyers like to do.

The mechanics of my early morning stroll is really quite simple. Get up way to early, 4 am. Meet my walking chum at a desolate turn-about in the woods at 4:30 am. Then we walk at an extreme pace, almost a run, but not quite. I mean, we are ‘strutt’n it’ down this dirt road for exactly 2 miles. We stop, I take a piss then we head 2 miles back up the hill where we parked our cars. The challenge is to maintain the pace we kept when we were coming down the trail. Ain’t no big deal, it does not require rocket science and you can wear spandex if you really wanted to.

As for us, its sweats and Nikes plus a few big caliber guns, just in case bears or big kitties try to add us to their menu. Bears and big cats do eat people here and I have little desire to experience a culinary adventure as an entrée. The trick is to continue walking long after you’ve convinced yourself you don’t need to walk anymore. After you make it over the hump (about two weeks) you’ll walk rain or shine like clock work and even feel guilty when you can’t go anywhere because a blizzard closed all the roads. 

The kewl part of getting up so early is the fact we are in the cool of the day and everywhere smells ‘green’. Plants fill the air with their crisp and sweet earthen fragrances and it totally rocks. We run next to a stream and follow it to the next tributary and down to the lake where we run along the shore to our 1/2 way point. The sun is not even on the horizon and on a full moon its way bitchen out there. Ducks and geese greet us every morning as they forage for breakfast. As spring turns into summer the deer and elk are coming out in force. We found bear crappola along our trail, a big turd to. Easy math, big turd equals big bear and from what we’ve gathered it’s a daddy bear that stands at about 9 feet tall according to marks on the trees. The walk is very healthy, refreshing and exhilarating provided you are not eaten.

By the time 5:35 am rolls around I’m having my first cup of java back in my mountain chalet (shack) and getting ready to dance with the body bag. I might as well work on those body shots and left hook eh. After all; ‘If you ever have to defend yourself with your hands it’s nice to send the aggressor to bed early’, I always say. Screw that dancing around routine, I’m too old for all that dramatic stuff. In my elderly state I prefer to jump in and take care of business when I think someone might do harm to my frail self. Just deliver a few quick lethal cabeza and body shots then call an ambulance before they bleed all over my gladiolas. Hmm, maybe I should check my sugar. One thing you can safely bank on is the fact the world is a much more violent place and its destine to get much worse. Having the ability to jog a few miles away from danger at any given time would be a survival skill indeed.

And here is the coolest part of this story. My walking chum used to be diabetic and had to take insulin several times a day along with pills. But after we started our walks his sugar came down and eventually he no longer needed shots or pills to stabilize his sugar levels or blood pressure. We also maintain a quality nutritious diet and eat lots of dead plants & cactus. Did you know that Nopales or Prickly Pear Cactus is a hedge against diabetes? It grows wild all over the Southwest and it does not require a prescription. I experienced something similar when I had diabetes only thing was I ate walrus blubber and a bunch of other tribal foods during one of my global odysseys. I was running around the woods and eating traditional foods & bushes back then. So it could have been anything or a combination of all of the above for all I know. One thing is for sure, I’m no longer diabetic. 

Now, I don’t have daily access to whale, walrus, seals and other culinary dishes I once imbibed in. But I stay physical, eat real food and steer clear of Triglyceride Burgers and Trans Fatty Fries. Once in a while I will eat at Carl’s with my mom, she likes Carl’s. I can’t get her to eat squid or octopus let alone a durian or tea leaf salad but she will tear up some buffalo or elk with no hesitation. At 85 yrs of age I doubt she would join me on my morning constitutionals but she is a hoot with a couple Singapore Slings in her gullet when I take her to ‘the lounge’ on special occasions. And what does getting my 85 yr old mom sauced have to do with diabetes, nothing but she is a lot of fun.

I can’t guarantee if you stopped taking your meds do more physical activity and eat good foods you will cure your diabetes. But I can guarantee you that it would not hurt if you tried in earnest to get more physical and quit eating out of the corporate dumpster. I’ve seen many people turn their diabetes around by doing these simple things, no CD’s, pills, or books, just exercise and paying attention to what you stuff in your pie hole. Granted not everyone was completely cured but everyone did get a better handle on their disease by making their condition easier to manage. Even now I find myself looking at contents and balancing my intake even though my sugar is good. With the proper amount of physical activity alone there are many conditions we can alleviate ourselves of by simply moving and breaking a sweat.

And if by chance this is the time of change you had better be able to move your butter ball butt down the road if needed. What about all that survival stuff you bought? Will you be able to lug that junk around without dying of a heart attack? A tornado will sweep down and carry your lard ass to Kansas if you are not careful. I am no track star and you don’t need to stroll 4 miles a day while beating the daylights out of a body bag to be in fit condition but you need to do something physical as a routine and that’s the bottom line. If you prefer to sit on your keister diabetes is only one of many conditions that will plague you to an early grave.

Worse yet, you might evolve to look like one of those pencil neck technology dependant sissies from space with a giant head and bony arms and legs. And I can’t help but wonder; what do alien chicks look like? Now that’s a dramatic ending eh.

Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.
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48 Hours To Save The World

Ann Gilman

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Buffalohair, America Fails Asia 101, Ignores Kachin War in Burma

America Fails ‘Asia 101’, Ignores Kachin War in Burma

I know what it must have felt like to watch helplessly as the Indian Wars unfolded in America. Corporate interests and their presses published lies and excuses to justify the wholesale slaughter of the natives in the name of Manifest Destiny. Now in complete helplessness I am watching the systematic annihilation of another tribe of people, ‘The Kachin’. The Burmese government is killing them simply for the natural resources Kachinland possesses. The media remains mum to atrocities while promoting the lifting of sanctions. How far beyond stupid is that?

It is shameful the world chose to ignore Kachinland’s epic struggle for survive in the face of Burmese tyranny. It has been a year of war for the Kachin people and the media has barely said a word. Only now the media is chirping away about civil unrest in Rakhine State oblivious to the ethnic cleansing just around the corner. Where the hell were these boneheads when the junta began their bloody siege on the Jinghpaw people in the first place? Fortunately the Kachin have the KIO/KIA to watch their backs because it is obvious they are truly alone in this ambivalent world. You, the free world, should be ashamed for turning your backs on a trusted ally in their hour of need.

In a world of honor the Kachin already showed their mettle and spilled their blood along side our troops in *WW 2. They made the ultimate sacrifice and earned a place of distinction for their contribution in preserving the freedoms we all share. The kinship between the US and the Kachin Rangers was a bond sealed in blood and human sacrifice. The Kachin knew in their hearts the US would always be by their side, a moral obligation secured by honor and the memory of their fallen. So you can imagine the feeling of betrayal they felt as sanctions were lifted in Burma while loved ones in Kachinland were being tortured and murdered at that same time. The plight of the Kachin people continues to this day and the stories of human suffering and barbarism stagger the imagination. And true to form the western media is silent.
Timing is everything with the junta and the Rakhine disturbance is the perfect smoke screen needed to pull off another bloody offensive against Kachinland. The loss of life is of no concern to the Tatmadaw as they kill at their leisure when causing dissention between groups. Than Shwe played the race and religion cards between factions since time immemorial. This Muslim/Buddhist dispute thing has the Tatmadaw’s finger prints all over it. The junta is notorious for burning down temples and churches to instigate clashes between groups.

Rape and murder are still trusted old stand-bys in the junta’s arsenal of extortion and deception. Unquestionably Than Shwe wishes the news of war in Kachinland were keep to a minimum and using Rakhine State to draw attention is right up ole Than Shwe’s Alley. He did manage to quell all the chatter about the remaining 700+ political prisoners. There is no doubt they are having a bad time as the junta tortures them with more frequency in a last ditch attempt to brain wash them. Oh well, we are ignoring their plight as well.

With the help of the western media the war in Kachinland is nothing more than a whisper of dissention by some rebels who are opposed to the new civilian government of Myanmar. That is not the case and it is a shameful example of exactly how bias the media has become when it comes to long-range corporate and mining concerns and reporting the news. Kachinland is a sovereign nation with clearly defined borders with Burma and China. Kachinland is also a cornucopia of natural resources that western mining companies are eager to exploit. Your Corrupt-O-Meter should be pegged by now.

The soldiers of the KIO/KIA are the legitimate guardians of the Jinghpaw People and are the true heroes in Burma’s Secret War. To the chagrin of Burmese troops and global mining interests Kachin soldiers are tuned with precision and trained to perfection. They are not going down any time soon. With the cunning of a tiger they are a wary adversary indeed. The Tatmadaw has suffered great losses at the hands of the Kachin and more losses are sure to follow and the bloody war continues. Facing overwhelming odds is the norm for these paitriots and fighting for their very existence is nothing new either. The mainstream media may have forgotten the Kachin but I refuse to, and I pray for their survival.


Jinghpaw Wunpawng Hkalup Hpung

Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.