
Sunday, April 18, 2004

Crystals, Gems and Stones Interpretations 5

 TIGER EYE- Variety of chalcedony (quartz). Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, colon. Emotional balancer. Enhances connection with personal power and will. Grounding, centering. Helps soften stubbornness. Enhances clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy. Chakras: navel, solar plexus. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) This is a great protection stone, use while traveling, also clears negative energy from the solar plexus area while returning negative energy to its sender!!! 

 TOPAZ- Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous systems. Detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring. Abundance. Chakras: navel, crown. Blue topaz- tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism. Emotional balance. Cooling, soothing, peace, tranquility. Creativity, self-expression. Enhances psychic perception, communication with higher self/spirit guides. Chakras: heart, throat, third eye.5th chakra.  Allows one to feel anger and then to release it, helps to promote awareness of one's true feelings, finally this stone promotes surrender and forgiveness

 TOURMALINATED QUARTZ- Clear quartz with black tourmaline crystals inside. Balances male/female polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective, dissipates negativity. Combines forces of clear quartz and black tourmaline. Chakras: root, crown.This crystal displays the energetic qualities of Tourmaline and Quartz. This combination offers protection while you are on your journey of life. Good for grounding one with the energies of the Earth. Helps one to honor promises and life agreements.

 TOURMALINE- (All Colors) Aids balance of endocrine system. Aids sleep. Strengthens, vitalizes mind/body. Activates and enhances crystalline properties of body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions. Strong protective influence. Concentration, inspiration. Enhances sensitivity and understanding-. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic. The various colors will activate and align corresponding chakras. Black tourmaline (Schorl) - root.Watermelon tourmaline (red/green) - root, heart. Green tourmaline-heart. Blue tourmaline (Indicolite) - throat, third eye. Red/pink tourmaline (Rubellite) - root, heart.

 TURQUOISE- Tones, strengthens entire body. Tissue regeneration. Aids circulation, lungs, respiratory system. Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, loyalty. Chakra: throat. 5th chakra.  Allows one to feel anger and then to release it, helps to promote awareness of one's true feelings, finally this stone promotes surrender and forgiveness.

 VARISCITE- Soothing, calming, balancing for body/mind. Aids blood, heart. Emotional stability. Helps one recall past lives. Self confidence. Abundance. Chakras: heart, solar plexus. Varacite brings us one love and understanding of our loved ones. Energizes heart chakra and promotes unconditional love and peace within.  Very spiritual stones which the Native Americans use in ceremony.

 ZIRCON (Hyacinth)- Strengthens the mind. Aids bowels problems. Balances pituitary and pineal gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Emotional balance, self-esteem. Aids sleep. Similar properties as diamond and quartz crystal. All around healer. Chakra: all. Zircon crystals carry the energy of the first, third and fourth chakras; raising them to a higher level of intensity.  Zircon is also about having everything come together in our lives; a connecting of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. 

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