Crystals,Gems & Stones Interpretations 4
Crystals,Gems & Stones Interpretations
PYRITE - Aids digestion, improves circulation. Strengthens and oxygenates blood. Enhances brain functions. Influences a more positive outlook on life. Enhances emotional body, strengthens will. Helps one's ability to work with others harmoniously. Practicality. Chakras: root, solar plexus, heart. Sunflower Pyrite is a shielding stone, protecting one from any negative energy. It protects the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. Should be carried when performing dangerous work. Pyrite is also a mental stone, used to stimulate the powers of the intellect. These sunflowers will be sure to lift your spirit
QUARTZ CRYSTAL - (Clear) Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one's energy field and in environment. Receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. Enhances inter-dimensional communication with higher self and spirit guides. Chakras: all.
RHODOCHROSITE - Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland and circulation of blood. Enhances memory and intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies. Red/pink color helps to blend courage/will/passion aspects of lower chakras with loving expression of heart. Divine love, acceptance of self and life. Powerful healer for those attuned to this stone. Chakras: root, heart.
RHODONITE - Aids the central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland, pancreas. Strengthens immunity. Improves memory. eases physical/emotional trauma. Reduces stress, calms mind. Aligns root and heart chakras for bringing love into action and manifestation (red and black variety). Self-esteem, confidence. Enhances energy levels in body/mind. Pink variety (without black) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability Great stone for light workers serving in cities. Chakras: root, heart.
ROSE QUARTZ - Aids kidney and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools hot temper. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Aids development of forgiveness, compassion, love. Chakra: heart. 4th chakra (heart) This extremely gemmy gemstone promotes heart healing through self-love. Heals heartache and loneliness. Aids in opening the goddess within. (GEM ROSE IS THE MOST POWERFUL AND CLEAREST ENERGY)
RUBY - Aids regeneration of physical/spiritual heart. Enhances circulation. Vitalizes blood and entire body/mind system. Strengthens immunity. Activates sluggish or dormant conditions on physical/spiritual levels. Refines lower passions. Courage, integrity, selflessness, vice, joy, spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of limitation. Chakra: root, heart.Root chakra. Ruby intensifies life force energy in the root chakra and kundalini line. Stimulates the will to live and survive. Alleviates chronic fatigue and other environmental toxic diseases.
RUTILATED QUARTZ - Regeneration of tissue throughout body. Enhances life-force. Strengthens immunity. Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression, facilitates inspiration, increases clairvoyance. Highly electrical, more intensity than clear quartz. Pierces through layers of physical/emotional/mental density. Transmute negativity. Enhances communication with higher self and spirit guides. Very powerful heater. Chakras: all.
SAPPHIRE - Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates pituitary gland, there by aiding entire glandular system. Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities, clarity and inspiration. Creative expression, loyalty, love. Aids connection with higher self/spirit guides. Strengthens will. Expands cosmic awareness. Dispels confusion. Excellent for meditation. Chakras: throat, third eye. 5th chakra. Activates and manifests one's life purpose and karmic agreements for soul growth. Focuses intent and awareness. Brings one joy, prosperity and inner peace. Blue Sapphire is a powerful and transformative gemstone energy that may work rather quickly
SELENITE - (Gypsum) Strengthens bones, teeth. Soothes nerves. Has positive effect on brain, aiding power of concentration and clarity. Enhances will power. Grounded white light. Chakra: crown. ALL chakras. A very powerful healing tool that you will surely use in every healing session. Selenite brings information from the Pleiades. Gives protection, energizes all chakras, and aids channeling
SILVER - Enhances mental functions. Aids circulation. Strengthens blood, physically and etherically. Strengthens pineal and pituitary glands. Relieves stress. Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect. Emotional balance. Speech improvement. Excellent energy conductor.
SMOKY QUARTZ - Strengthens adrenals, kidneys, pancreas. Increases fertility, balances sexual energy. Aids depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Initiates movement of kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels. Grounding, centering. Excellent for meditation. Enhances dream awareness and channeling abilities. Chakras: root, naval, solar plexus.
SODALITE- Aids pancreas, balances the endocrine system, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear. Slightly sedative, grounding. Clears the mind. Cuts through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication and creative expression. The qualities are similar to Lapis Lazuli. Chakras: throat, third eye. 6th chakra, Third eye. Balances the third eye. Encourages one to begin psychic visions, aids in letting go of control, soothes and heals the central nervous system.
SUGILITE- Enhances functions of pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres. Strengthens heart. Aids physical healing and purification of bodily systems. Emotional balancer, reduces stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Enhances sensitivity. Strong protective qualities. Excellent for meditation. Enhancing channeling abilities. Chakra: third eye, crown. 6th and 7th chakras. This stone does many things; it opens and clears the chakra system, aids living in the present rather than dwelling on the past or future, releases and heals despair and releases hostility.
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