Buffalo Messengers
A Site For The People


Native American Indian Aboriginal links and info on News, Art, Crafts, Music, Stories and Culture. Some of the News Stories are not Family Friendly with the adult language. The Fair Use Guidelines For Educational Multimedia In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 All original Art, Poetry and Stories posted on this site remains the sole property of the authors themselves.
Buffalo Messengers
A Site For The People
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
With American’s across all political boundaries in a complete up roar it is obvious democracy no longer exists. Congress has turned into the den of thieves as Barney Frank leads the way. Silent is Chris Dodd and the other politicians who’ve promoted Bail-out after Bail-out to the joy of corporate interests including Barack Obama. And the continuation of George W. Bush’s core policies and the push for a one world economy takes a giant leap forward.
It’s funny how Congress completely forgot the Inron Loophole as well as the Hedge Fund and Speculator debacle. So it is business as usual as stock prices continue to rise and drop at the whim of speculators and fuel prices continue to be manipulated, along with other stocks. And it is also odd to discover that so many politicians were in the arrears with the IRS. Why didn’t the IRS cease their homes or bank accounts? Knowing what we do about all the lobbyists who are now seated in the Obama cabinet it is clear no one is paying attention or on heavy medication. The fact China and Russia have proposed a new currency dropping the dollar as an economical standard was a grave indicator indeed. The US Government has determined the seizure of private enterprise is expectable marking the end of democracy and the rise of corporatism. And to think we thought Geroge W. Bush’s disregard of the Constitution was an abomination. Now it’s an expectable business practice. With less than 1% of the population lavished with trillions of dollars it’s almost laughable Congress is concerned with a few hundred billion bucks. It’s nothing more than a smoke screen.
Congressmen on both sides of the isle are invested in the very corporations that were saved by the Bail-outs. It is clear the public will not be offered anything more than eloquent lip service and a few crumbs. Talk is cheap and the term Campaign Rhetoric is nothing more than legalese for lie. There are so many layers to this corrupt political onion but it is pointless to mention them. After all it’s in plain sight at this juncture. Nobody cares and chooses to live on false hopes and will sacrifice their civil liberties and democracy itself. Use it or loose it and frankly America lost the core tenets this nation was founded on. Of the people, by the people and for the people should actually read, of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations. To bad, so sad.
People worry about socialism spreading across America when in actuality it is International Corporatism that has polluted our country and the free world. And as we all know corporatism is fascism not socialism.
Your Devil’s Advocate
Posted in How far beyond stupid are we file.
First film seems to be gone. So I found some more films that say more and go deeper into the problem.
Shock film on need for clean water. By Mike Swain on Jul 16, 08 03:16 PM in Environment. There’s a new, powerful short video from World Vision UK in …
blogs.mirror.co.uk/science/2008/07/shock-film-on-need-for-clean-w.html - 38k -
How to clean up used water the safe way with a Natural solution
Wet Lands use
There are now
Atmospheric Water Generators? [ How clean is the air in our homes?]
It is a humidity and temperature driven machine that makes water from air. This means the machine generates water from the humidity in the air. Ideally, the humidity level should be at least 35% or above to achieve the machines maximum performance. In regions with lower humidity levels, the machine will manufacture pure drinking water at a lesser capacity than in regions with high levels of humidity. The period of time to achieve optimal water production is directly related to humidity. As an example, in a household environment, higher levels of humidity tends to be around kitchens or any spacious room.
Drinking Water Safety
What (Not) to Drink
# Bottled water is generally safe, but only in sealed, tamper-proof containers. Ask someone at your hotel to recommend a reliable local brand.
# In addition to bottled water, you’ll usually be safe drinking tea, coffee, canned soda and juice, beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks.
# Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures will kill many parasites. Drinking from a hot water bottle is slightly safer than drinking untreated cold water.
# You don’t need to drink contaminated water to be exposed; always consider alternate sources of exposure, like the water you use to brush your teeth, or to wash your contact lenses or dentures. Be sure to use bottled, boiled or purified water for these purposes as well.
# Freezing water does not kill bacteria. A margarita on the rocks may sound appealing, but ice cubes present the same problem that tap water does. You can make your own ice if you boil the water first.
# Avoid food that may have been rinsed in contaminated water, such as salad and fresh fruit. For more info, see our article on food safety.
Drinking Water Safety in Emergencies
A disaster may disrupt electricity needed to pump water into the home and/or contaminate your water supply. Unless absolutely certain your water supply is not contaminated, purify all water before using it for drinking, preparing food, brushing teeth, or washing dishes. If the water contains floating material, strain it through a clean cloth before purifying it. Following are methods for ensuring safe water for emergency use.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommend that you bring the water to a rolling boil and boil it for at least one minute. Cool before use and don’t contaminate boiled water with dirty utensils, hands or containers. Add a pinch of salt to each quart of boiled water to improve the taste.
TANKA BAR ![]() | |
| Mar 20, 2009 12:58 PM |
| CEO karlene Hunter at the White House |
| Here are some pics and the story about CEO Karlene Hunter and Mark Tilsen at the White House. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2008881224_apobamaontanka.html ![]() alt="Karlene shaking Obama's Hand"> ![]() |
BunkHaus![]() Bunky Echo-Hawk | |
| Mar 20, 2009 1:00 PM |
| BunkHaus on Indian Country Today FRONT PAGE!! |
| Nawa All, Check it out!!! Top Story![]() Echo-Hawk, the artistWASHINGTON – The Echo-Hawk name has been making big waves lately as a result of political wrangling in Washington. But the name isn’t synonymous with politics. For Bunky Echo-Hawk, it’s all about creating art. It just so happens that the messages of his art often end up being political.http://www.indiancountrytoday.com/ http://www.bunkyechohawk.com/barackblackeagle/ |
Buffalo Messengers http://www.buffalomessengers.org/ ![]() LINKS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hawk Goodfire | ||
| Mar 15, 2009 10:28 PM | |
| Sundays Interview | |