
Sunday, October 3, 2004

Playing and care for the flute

How to play a Native American Flute

courting flutes by Cedar Spirit

Minor Scale
This is the simplest progression, and even a novice can produce beautiful music from the start just by following these patterns. Blow softly for a low tone, and harder for the second octave.

Fingering Chart
courting flute fingering chart

= Covered = Open

Start with the minor scale. For more advanced players or for someone ready for the next level, try the major scale below. Its a bit trickier, containing as it does the fingering of a half-hole.

Major Scale
Note that in the second note of the progression, the hole is half-open. Just raise your first finger slightly.
Fingering Chart

courting flute fingering - major scale

= covered = Open

Tip: Try rolling your tongue while playing. It produces a lovely trill!

Caring for your Native American flute

Always allow your flute to dry, mouthpiece down, after playing, and before returning to its bag.

Some people have reported damage to the flute inner chamber from cleaning flutes with alcohol. Instead, after playing slide the totem back and allow the inner chamber to air dry.

Flutes will last longer if periodically re-oiled. Coat the inside of the flute with a nontoxic oil or wood conditioner. These can usually be found at a music store or cutlery shop. Organic olive oil will work. Remember - it must be nontoxic! A 20 ga. shotgun bore swab makes a good applicator for oil (this tip courtesy of Eric Munson of Willow Flutes).

Oiling the entire flute will only add to your flute's beauty and longevity!

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