
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Buffalohair, Earth Changes 102, My Way or The Highway G*D

Earth Changes 102, My Way or The Highway G*D

Posted in Paranormal and Bump in the Night with tags , , , , on December 28, 2010 by buffalohair

With FEMA and other agencies around the world revealing that 2010 was the most virulent disaster year to date, it should be clear change is upon us. It’s no longer a matter of ”IF” changes will occur but where. Oh well, it’s not like mankind was not warned considering our ancestors left volumes of warning signs for future generations to heed, but to no avail eh. If you don’t get it by now, you never will, I believe. It was also written in prophecies much of the worlds population would not get it either and blindly march to their demise, so you are not alone. But there is another side to the time of change that simply does not get enough press and that’s the supernatural side.

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