
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Beautiful! Native Americans The Future Photos © Frank Lazeski


Native Americans
The Future

[I have his link in our Group's Children's folder at NativeArtsCulture1 thought I would share his wonderful work here today:)]

Photos © Frank Lazeski
This copyright disclaimer is a necessary
evil so that no one can legally make money
using my photos. Any and all of my photos
may be used for personal home pages, tags,
school projects, and any other personal use.

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On my honor.

The links to the rest of my pages are at the bottom
of this page. Please visit.
Thank you.

"Let us put our minds together to see what life we
can make for our children."
<< Sitting Bull>>
Anphog's Wild World

Native Americans
The Future
The Children

"A Native American Morning Message"

"To be a human is an honor, and we offer Thanksgiving for all
the gifts of life. Mother Earth, we thank you for giving us
everything we need. Thank you, deep blue waters around Mother
Earth, for you are the force that takes thirst away from all living things.

We give thanks to the green grasses that feel so good against our
bare feet, for the cool beauty you bring to Mother Earth's floor.
Thank you, good foods from Earth, our life sustainers, for making
us happy when we are hungry. Fruits and berries, we thank you
for your color and sweetness.

We are all thankful to good medicine herbs, for healing us when
we are sick. Thank you, all the animals in the world, for keeping
our precious forests clean. All the trees in the world, we are
thankful for the shade and warmth you give us. Thank you all the
birds in the world, for singing your beautiful songs for all to enjoy.

We give thanks to you, gentle four winds, for bringing
clean air for us to breathe from the four directions.
Thank you, Grandfather Thunder Beings, for bringing
rains to help all living things grow. Thank you Grandmother
Moon for growing full every month to light the darkness
the for children and sparkling waters. Elder Brother Sun, we
send thanks for shining your light and warming Mother Earth.

We give thanks, twinkling stars, for making the night 
sky so beautiful and for sprinkling morning dew drops
on the plants. Spirit Protectors of our past and present,
we thank you for showing us ways to live in peace and
harmony with one another. And most of all, thank you
Great Spirit, for giving us all these wonderful gifts, so we
will be happy and healthy, every day and every night."

The Circle of life
A poem by Cloud Dancing-1998

The Earth is my mother
She provides for us all
Feeds all the hunger
Gives shelter to the small

There are my Mother's sisters
Winter, Summer, and Fall
But Spring is the one
I cherish most of all

But first let me tell you
About the other three
Without knowing them
Spring's wonder you'd never see.

I will start with Summer
Her sun so hot and high
Without my brother Rain
My people would surely die

Autumn is the artist
Reds, oranges, and browns
Painting all the leaves
Before they hit the ground

Winter is the frigid one
So often misunderstood
Most see her faults
Rarely her traits of good

Without Fall and Winter
And the silent death they bring
We'd miss all the wonder
Of their sister Spring

Her love brings rebirth
To a world filled with strife
Bringing a new beginning
In the Circle of Life
Cloud Dancing-1998

Echo of the canyon
A poem by Cloud Dancing-1/4/1999

The river whispers songs
Off the canyon stone
Echoes from the past
Mournful low moans.

The words of elders past
Sound from the red rock walls
Remember the Sacred Ways
Is the message of their call.

Let the spirit soar free
Above the desert sands
Unite in the Great Circle
Of the brotherhood of Man.

Honor Grandfather
Respect Mother Earth
Revere all the Spirits
And Celebrate a rebirth.
Cloud Dancing January 4, 1999

kokopelli.jpg (14844 bytes)
This is one of the many beautiful necklaces I purchased
at the Powwow's I have attended.

I thank Cloud Dancing for the honor
of using her poetry on this page.
To see more of her Native American
poetry, click on the graphic below.

cloudlink1.jpg (23887 bytes) 

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