
Sunday, October 7, 2007

[NativeVue] More than a thousand dog tags retrieved from Vietnam!

More than a thousand dog tags retrieved from Vietnam!

In 1994 a tourist to Hue City, Vietnam, purchased more than 1,400 dog tags believing they were from Americans listed as missing in action (MIA). An additional 199 dog tags were acquired in Vietnam in 2006 by a former New Zealand First Member of Parliament with the same belief and a strong desire to return the dog tags to the family of the deceased or missing serviceperson. A check of the dog tags revealed that although none appear to be those of an MIA, most are genuine and were worn by Americans during the war. In other words, these soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines served with honor and returned home after the war. Their dog tags, however, did not.

The primary goals of this project are to reunite lost dog tags with their owners or family members and to collect some background information on how they were lost. So, if you find your name or the name of a friend on the list of over 1,000, please let us know. (Not all dog tags list the branch of service.) Once we verify that we are reuniting the correct dog tag with the correct person, we will send it back to you at no cost. We have already reunited several people with their dog tags.

So far, only 64 dog tags have been reunited with their owners.

Click here to see if your name, or anyone you know, is on this list:

Collecting background info on how they were lost may help in locating the remains of those still MIA.

Requesting that you pass this on, I am


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