Native American Indian Aboriginal links and info on News, Art, Crafts, Music, Stories and Culture. Some of the News Stories are not Family Friendly with the adult language. The Fair Use Guidelines For Educational Multimedia In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 All original Art, Poetry and Stories posted on this site remains the sole property of the authors themselves.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Ghost Riders Video annual Big Foot Memorial Ride
Independant Film: Pine Ridge Oglala
The Ghost Riders -
Ghost Riders, a documentary on the annual Big Foot Memorial Ride commemorating the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee, is directed by V. Blackhawk Aamodt and narrated by Benjamin Bratt.
The memorial ride began in 1986 when Birgil Kills Straight and four other Lakota riders decided to follow the December 1890 trek across South Dakota taken by Minneconju leader Big Foot and his followers.
They fled the Standing Rock Reservation when Sitting Bull was arrested and killed and had hoped to spend the winter in safety with the Oglala in the Badlands. They were intercepted by the Seventh Cavalry outside Wounded Knee, and an estimated 300 were massacred.of Alcatraz Island to the current international stage of politics and performance, Heather Rae's provocative and poignant film reveals the essence of a true American original.
This film debuted at the 29th American Indian Film Festival and the Sundance Film Festival.
The annual Big Foot Memorial Ride that honors the more than 300 Lakota Sioux Indians massacred by the 7th Cavalry at the 1890 Battle of Wounded Knee. The ride is organized by Lakota youth in the Pine Ridge reservation—where the suicide, alcoholism and unemployment rates scarily outpace national averages.
The film captures the spirit of the ride which retraces the 300-mile route taken by Chief Big Foot from Bullhead in South Dakota, down to Wounded Knee Creek where the massacre occurred. It is a journey that symbolically mends the Sacred Hoop and imparts a brutal but spiritually fulfilling prophecy. The ride—which began in 1986—takes place for two weeks in frigid December.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
With law enforcement in love with the Tazer as a form of non lethal control of suspects, I find it odd that Saskatoon police simply use a bullet in containing Native people.
Within a weeks time police used lethal means to subdue Native’s in a series of two shootings. Dwayne Charles Dusthorn was shot dead in his tracks for threatening people with a knife and an unnamed Native woman was shot in the chest for wielding a blade as well. Granted they posed a hazard to constables that arrived at the scene. But my question is why did they not use their electric toy the Tazer? What really smokes my shorts is the fact highly trained professionals can’t seem to disarm anyone and chooses to simply whack the suspects. As a former bodyguard I’ve disarmed many pinheads who’ve posed a hazard with guns and knives to my clients with barely a scratch. So here are these guys with vests and other body armor, trained in street combat that simply shoot people who pose a threat.
Saskatoon has a horrific track record when dealing with the Aboriginal population. There is a strong distrust of the RCMP in this region as it is. Why, because of the freezing deaths of Aboriginal people who were simply dumped outside the city limits to face the elements by police in past years. Only after Darrel Night came forward to tell of his plight at the hands of authorities did it become all too apparent this was a reality. Darrel was dumped in the same region other Natives who’ve died of exposure were found frozen to death. To the chagrin of local constables, he survived to tell the tale. And they call us savages, ma ma mia.
Though the RCMP is conducting an investigation, the Federation of Saskatoon Indian Nations is also conduction an investigation of their own. Under the guidance of Chief Lawrence Joseph and a special investigative Unit hopefully the truth will be known about these two incidences. In dealing with the conduct of the officers in question Chief Joseph quoted the focus of their investigation;
“Whether all options were considered, what the circumstances are and whether these police officers had any previous experience in dealing with aggressive situations and whether the situation called for lethal force. We will be very much involved and making sure the investigation is done in the best possible way."
Further he said;
"We have a long-standing history as First Nations People in Canada and in Saskatchewan where there's a lot of mistrust with police agencies. It's very troubling and what can we do to prevent this? What can we do to ensure that justice prevails for all citizens of Saskatchewan, which is everyone's human right?"
Personally I’m not too impressed with this so called non lethal Tazer business anyway. With all the deaths associated with this new toy in the law enforcement arsenal on both sides of the border though. The zapping of an 80 year old granny was the frosting on the cake for me a few months ago. Of course you heard about the Polish guy who died from a Tazer attack at a Canadian airport eh. His crime was freaking out and tossing luggage, the death of a bi polar woman was also sad. The list goes on and on. But even in light of these so called non lethal assaults on the public at large, why wasn’t a non lethal alternative used on Natives in Saskatoon in the first place? Why is a bullet always the first choice when dealing with the Aboriginal community? It is not to say all constables or police are haters and there is just cause for lethal intervention at times. Personally, I have many friends in law enforcement who shake their heads at this kind of conduct as well.
Hopefully Chief Joseph and the Federation of Saskatoon Indian Nations will have an answer for this series of horrific events in the last week. Maybe the shootings were justified but maybe they were over kill, literally. Only time will tell and I eagerly await the results from the FSIN Special Investigative Team and now, so does the rest of the world.
Your Devil’s Advocate
Creativity is the byproduct of a fertile mind
Nora Bernard, noted Aboriginal Activist who spearheaded the successful 5 billion dollar law suite against the Crown (Canadian Government) on behalf of Indian Residential School Survivors, was found dead under suspicious circumstances.
According to police officials Nora Bernard was found dead in her Truro Nova Scotia home after a 911 call. This would not be the first time an Aboriginal Activist died under suspicious conditions in Canada or anywhere else on this continent though. From a Native perspective I find a strange coincidence in the deaths of our champions regardless of the official reports by authorities. Some of our heroes are debased before their bodies are in the ground as a form of justification regardless of the circumstances surrounding their deaths. And now, the death of a true heroine to the Native people of Canada dies. It was also reported family members believe it could have been a heart attack. I will await the final determination since police authorities found her death suspicious in any event. It makes me wonder if spin doctors are afoot already. Yea just can’t trust what you read these days.
Since the time of Montezuma’s wrongful death by the hands of the conquering people, (Cortez), Native champions have mysteriously died or were simply murdered since time immemorial. Remember Sitting Bull? Though it is not obvious to non Native people, within the Native world it is all too apparent to us. Our heroes are ear marked for assassination or public debasing at some time in their future. It is not a surprise since we as a people are artificially suppressed, our news watered down or not mentioned at all in the main stream media. You can’t connect the dots if the dots are not known in the first place. The world at large never gets the real picture and is fed lies about our true condition and plight. Established Native journalists have to walk a tight rope so as not to upset their funding sources. That’s how it goes eh.
For Native journalists and activists it is an occupational hazard since we know at some point in our careers we face the very real possibility someone will whack us, it’s as simple as that. Character assassination is another ploy used to discredit us to the outside world regardless of the merits of our news or causes. I know many true Native activists and sadly, we all know our death songs since it is only a matter of time before we take a hit mortally, financially or credibility wise. But the bullet seems to be the best way of silencing our heroes these days. Out of sight, out of mind, bada bing, bada bang, bada boom, Capice?
None dare call it conspiracy fore that would mean there is an undercurrent of assassins waiting to knock us off if we upset the ox cart. Our crime is exposing the raw hatred that exists for the original inhabitance of the America’s. Our crime is speaking the truth that never seems to make the press or simply ignored. I guess the death of a 72 year old grandmother just pisses me off big time. I truly hope she crossed from natural causes but will we actually know the truth? Double Speak is the order of the day anymore. Tell a lie long enough and it will become truth it seems.
With President Bush signing executive orders that clearly nullify the Constitution and the Bill of Rights it will not be long before legislation is passed by both the Democrats and the Republicans to silence the internet for national security sake. It is in black and white for all to see but do you think this lemming society pays attention? Not a chance since the wheels of censorship have already begun to turn and it will be all about “Homeland Security”. What really frosts my cookies is the fact all presidential candidates don’t make any mention of the new absolute power Bush gave the presidency in the last few months, in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States I might add. Why, because they also want this new power to dictate what is best for the people. They all hunger for this power to control the once free nation called America. But from a Native standpoint, it’s the same ole same ole since we live in captivity anyway. Only now, everyone else will get an opportunity to taste what it’s like living in captivity. Corporate Fascism has come full circle and now they are consuming their own and it’s all about the money Paisan, Capice?
Your Devil’s Advocate
Creativity is the byproduct of a fertile mind
Friday, December 28, 2007
As modern day travelers are stuck at airports and bus depots do to blizzards across the US a band of Lakota People ride into history. Following in the footsteps of Chief Big Foot 44 Lakota’s retraced the 287 mile ride from Standing Rock to Wounded Knee. The contingent of riders has grown to over 100 as they faced conditions their ancestors did before being murdered in cold blood by US Troops in the now infamous Wounded Knee Massacre. The ride began on December the 15th, the anniversary of Sitting Bulls assignation and will conclude on December the 29th. The ride began while the Lakota Nation was still indentured and living as a conquered people. Upon their arrival they will be a free people.
Hopefully with the eyes of the world on these brave people the end of the ride will be a new beginning for this impoverished nation. It is my contention that with enough world wide attention this ride or their bid for freedom will not end in a blood bath like it did 127 years ago.
Included is the press release I just received.
Your Devil’s Advocate
Dec 27, 2007
13 Day Ride Began Under Bonds of U.S. Treaty, Ends on December 29th with Free Nation 21st Annual Ride and returns Life to a Free Lakota People at Wounded Knee, Lakota (formerly South Dakota). Thirteen days and 287 miles ago, 44 people mounted horses and began the Memorial Chief Big Foot Ride in honor of Si Tanka (Chief Big Foot) and his unarmed band of Mniconjou and Hunkpapa refuges that were slaughtered by U.S. Calvary in 1890 at Wounded Knee.
But while these 44 riders began their journey under the shadow of U.S. Treaty, their numbers swelled to over 100 and will end under the protection of a free and sovereign Lakota Nation. The ride began on December 15th in Standing Rock, the anniversary of Sitting Bull's death, and has traveled through fierce snowstorm and cold, the same conditions faced by the 357 mostly women, children and elder men at Wounded Knee Creek 127 years ago.
"The purpose of the ride is to ride the spirit trail of Chief Big Foot," said Tegihya Kte also known as Garry Rowland, leader of the riders and recent delegate of the Lakota Freedom effort in Washington D.C.. "The Tree of Life died in Wounded Knee in 1890, and the ride was begun to mend the Sacred Hoop."
Riders ranging in age from 10 to 65 travel the footsteps of their Ancestors, along the way offering prayer for the women, children, the Elders, and the conditions the Lakota people are forced to live under today. For the children, the ride is also a powerful introduction to the sacred relationship between the Lakota and the horse and the courage their Ancestors took during their 13 day walk from the site of Sitting Bull's assassination to Wounded Knee.
"My sons and now my grandsons have participated in the ride," shared Tegihya Kte. "They ride for our future and the self-determination of our people."
The self-determination of the Lakota now takes on powerful meeting as the Lakota Freedom Delegation traveled to Washington D.C. and withdrew the Lakota from their treaties with the United States Government. The ride becomes an outward expression of sovereign Lakota rights and spirituality.
Tegihya Kte said, "We don't want the government telling us what to do, we want to be free."
Lakota Freedom delegate and Cante Tenza leader Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.) agreed, "The Lakota withdrawal in Washington D.C. brings real protection for our people today, exactly the real protection Big Foot sought for his people then."
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have withdrawn from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at;
Media queries;
Garry Rowland, Leader Chief Big Foot Riders;
(865) 242-2199 or (605) 867-2852
Lakota Freedom Inquires, contact;
Naomi Archer, Lakota Freedom Liaison;
(828) 230-1404
Creativity is the byproduct of a fertile mind
Big Foot Memorial Ride participants walk their horses across a frozen creek as spectators watch from the bank above. On Saturday, 39 riders left the starting place near Sitting Bull's gravesite south of McLaughlin. (Photo by Will Kincaid, Bismarck Tribune) Will spend the next two weeks en route to the Pine Ridge reservation, picking up others along the way until they number 200.

Quote: "The bulk of the news outlets that have picked up this story are foreign press agencies like the Agence Presse France, The Telegraph, and Radio Netherlands." The World is watching!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
History & Words of Wisdom from Red Crow and Continued Elders Speak One through Five
Elders Speak Part 1
Elders Speak Part 2
Elders Speak Part 3
Elders Speak Part 4
Elders Speak Part 5
Monday, December 24, 2007
Mary Kim Titla, Mankiller, LaDuke featured in book, Native Women of Courage
Books and Reviews - Book Releases | |
Globe, Arizona (ICC) Fournel hopes stories such as Titla’s will give young people positive role models. “I wanted this book to be an inspiration for kids – you don’t have to be a size 0 to be successful.” Other women featured in the book include Osage ballerina Maria Tallchief; first woman chief of the Cherokee Nation Wilma Mankiller; and author, environmentalist and once a candidate for vice president Winona LaDuke.Fournel was born in Winnipeg and raised in Calgary. She completed a book and magazine diploma at Centennial College. Great Women from our First Nations is part of the Women’s Hall of Fame series published by Second Story Press in Canada and The Book Publishing Company in the U.S.It is available in local bookstores and at the library. |
Navajo sportswear company will support Native athletes
Business News - Native Business News | |||
by S.J. Wilson
“I grew up playing sports – all the way through college,” Long said.
“Unfortunately, I found myself in a desk job and wasn’t able to
“Sports are very important to Native youth in developing a sense of
belonging and value,” Long said. “As a child, I wrestled and was an
all-star football player at Greyhills Academy in Tuba City. I trained
with my brother who was a professional kick boxer, and I even played
chess.” |
New Lakota Times to serve Pine Ridge, Rosebud - 39k -
New Lakota Times to serve Pine Ridge, Rosebud
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
A new version of the Lakota Times will serve the Pine Ridge Reservation and the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. The publisher and editor of the paper is Amanda Takes War Bonnet. She worked for the original Lakota Times and Indian Country Today, its successor. The financial backers are Patty and Bat Pourier of Pine Ridge. The Pouriers own convenience stores and a gas station that won a state tax lawsuit against South Dakota. Get the Story:
New Lakota Times prints today (The Rapid City Journal 10/6) Relevant Links:
Lakota Times -
Aho! We've had more than half a million hits on our website in one week! Thanks for your interest and support!
Pilameya! Many thanks to all people who are sharing their support and solidarity with us. People from more than 100 different nations have visited our website including many Indigenous Nations and Independence Movements. The whole world is watching!
If we can conclude with this statement in the positive venue, its not about Russell Means, and certainly not about Canupa Gluha Mani or any individual,this about the Lakota Nation and the Animal People who are no longer alone.

Sunday, December 23, 2007
PheonixRadioNet,.. DJ Buffalohair on now!!
![]() |
Date: | Dec 22, 2007 6:09 PM |
Subject: | PheonixRadioNet,.. DJ Buffalohair on now!! |
Body: |
Hey you lot! go to PheonixRadioNet and get tuned into some of the coolest sounds that DJ Buffalohair has found from YOUR pages here in MySpace" That's ..Click on the listen now link to play it in WINAMP . See yah! Cheers Pete Braven |
Saturday, December 22, 2007
- Spotlight
- Around the World
55 seconds ago
Being the Krusty journalist that I am, I was pleased to find a
story that was more "Christmassy" in a way. This story was brought to
my attention by my cousin Paul Underwood from the rock band Exist
Wound. After researching this piece I though it would be something I
should share with the world, so here goes eh.
I think we can all safely say we know people who are suffering
many debilitating disease both physical and mental. For the most part
people are at a loss to deal or cope with them. As a family member or
friend of a disabled person, sometimes they are at a loss as to how to
address these issues. The afflicted in many cases are thrust into
depression with the feeling of hopelessness.
Well, a person named Vern Anderson has developed a news letter
(Abilities News) that is designed to assist the stricken, families and
friends with those awkward questions and needs they find themselves
poised with. Truly this is a noble venture and it speaks volumes about
this individual who has taken it upon himself to grasp this challenging
Though Abilities News is circulated around the City of Billings
Montana I believe this news letter should circulated around the world.
So I took it upon myself to share this venture with my readers
worldwide fore I believe Humanity has no racial, cultural and national
boundaries. And quite frankly, human beings world wide are victims of
all conditions that afflict both mind and body. So I am promoting this
positive approach in an effort to offer hope and improve the quality of
human beings who once thought they were forgotten. Well umm, after all
I am the voice of the voiceless.
Vern does not like the terms Disabled or Handicap hence the title
Abilities News. He focuses on what a person can do rather then focus on
the debilitating aspects of any condition a person may have. He
believes anything can be conquered and offers promise and hope rather
then the stereotypical focus on inabilities society dwells on or simply
I can't think of a better qualified person to share in techniques
and address issues once not spoken though. His qualifications far
surpass many professionals in this field fore Vern lives with Cerebral
Palsy. With 40 years of experience I can't think of a better qualified
person to grasp this challenging endeavor. Talk about insider
information eh. So I behoove all who read this piece that suffer or
know of others who suffer conditions of the body and mind to take a
gander at Vern and his publication Abilities News. Vern is a true
humanitarian and has my support and I think he deserves yours as well.
Vern is my hero and a champion fore he is truly "The Voice of the
Join his sites, subscribe to his news letter, make a difference in
peoples lives and remember "Humanity has no Disabilities."
Your Devil's Advocate
Friday, December 21, 2007
2007 Victory !!!!!!!! in Indian Country Today
2007 victory: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted | |
Posted: December 21, 2007 | |
by: Gale Courey Toensing / Indian Country Today | |
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, chair of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, hailed the declaration's passage in prepared comments after the vote. ''The 13th of September 2007 will be remembered as an international human rights day for the Indigenous Peoples of the world, a day that the United Nations and its Member States, together with Indigenous Peoples, reconciled with past painful histories and decided to march into the future on the path of human rights,'' she said. The declaration is a nonbinding document that formally establishes the individual and collective rights of the world's 370 million indigenous peoples, advocates for the protection and enhancement of their cultural identities and right to self-government, and underlines their right to control the lands and territories they have traditionally owned or used as well as their right to restitution for lands that have been taken from them. The full document is available at While the declaration is not legally binding, the hope and expectation is that it will become a convention with the force of international law. It is also hoped that the moral weight of the document, which is grounded in the ongoing struggles of indigenous peoples and their just cause, will sway nations to embrace its provisions. However, according to an Amnesty International report titled ''Canada and the International Protection of Human Rights: An Erosion of Leadership?'' after the declaration was adopted ''Canada has gone on to claim - without any basis in international law - that states that voted against the Declaration should be exempt from the standard that it has set.'' The proposition that governments can opt out by simply voting against a declaration ''dramatically undercuts the integrity of the international human rights system. Every setback has wider impacts as well,'' said Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty Canada. ''Millions of people around the world living the daily reality of relentless abuses of their human rights need to hear the full force of Canada's voice on the world stage. Canada can and must do better.'' By contrast, reported on Bolivia's adoption of the declaration as national law. Bolivia is the first country in the world to do so. President Evo Morales addressed the crowds of cheering indigenous Bolivians who had come to celebrate the event. ''From the passage of this declaration,'' Morales said, ''I feel that the indigenous movement has gone from one of resistance to one of power, but not sectarian, personal, individual or regional power; but to create a power that, at its core, is a way of living in a community ... it is the power of resolving problems equally for all, not only in Bolivia but in the entire world.'' |
Thursday, December 20, 2007
So I heard about the Lakota’s declaration of independence from the United States of America on a Native radio broadcast. Upon further inquiry I managed to get some printed material on the subject in question. Rather than reinvent the wheel I though it would be more appropriate to reprint the flier I received. After all, this is history in the making………….Buffalohair
Lakota Freedom Delegation
Mitaku Oyasin: We Are All Related
Immediate Release: 13 December 2007
Media Contacts:
Naomi Archer, Communications Liaison (828) 230-1404
First Nation Travels to Washington D.C., Will Unilaterally Withdrawal from All Treaties with the United States Government
U.S., International Treaty Law Indicate Historic Land Range Returns to Sovereign Lakota People
Excellent Audio and Visuals: Press Conference to Feature Lakota Flag/Eagle Staff, Traditional Language and Music, Traditional Lakota Food and Other Refreshments
WHAT: A Historic Event between the Lakota Sioux Indians and the United States Government: Press Conference Announcing Unilateral Withdrawal of Lakota Nation From All U.S. Treaties and Return to Independence.
WHERE: Plymouth Congregational Church 5301 N. Capital Street, NE, Washington DC
WHEN: 11:30am, Wednesday December 19, 2007
WHO: Lakota Freedom Delegation, representatives of Lakota Sioux Indians- an Indigenous First Nation of North America. Delegation includes Lakota activist and actor Russell Means; Oglala Lakota Strong Heart Society leader Duane Martin Sr.; Gary Rowland, Leader Chief Big Foot Riders, Women of Red Nations founder Phyllis Young, Pearl Denet Claw Daniel and others.
SUMMARY: For far too long our people have suffered at the hands of the colonial apartheid system imposed on the Lakota Sioux. Our treaties with the United States government are nothing more than worthless words on worthless paper – repeatedly violated in order to steal our culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of life.
The devastation this has wrought is clear:
+ Lakota men have a life expectancy of less than 44 years, lowest of any country in the World (excluding AIDS) including Haiti.
+ The Lakota infant mortality rate is 5x the U.S. Average.
+ The Tuberculosis rate on Lakota reservations is approx 800% higher than the U.S national average.
+ 97% of our Lakota people live below the poverty line.
+ Unemployment rates on our reservations are approximately 85%.
+ Teenage suicide rate is 150% higher than the U.S national average for this group.
+ Our Lakota language is an Endangered Language, on the verge of extinction.
We have no choice but to take this historic action to protect our people and our way of life, and reclaim our freedom from the colonial systems of the United States Government. So we travel t o Washington D.C. to withdraw from our treaties with the United States and announce full return of our sovereign status under Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, International and Natural Law.
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have suffered from cultural and physical genocide in the colonial apartheid system we have been forced to live under. We are in Washington DC to withdraw from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at
444 Crazy Horse Drive;
P.O. Box 99; Porcupine, SD 57772.
"A Nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground, then it is done. No matter how brave its warriors or how strong its weapons."
~ Northern Cheyenne ~
Creativity is the byproduct of a fertile mind
Though I am still awaiting further word about a radio broadcast I just heard, The Lakota Nation is declaring their independence from the United States of America. According to the broadcast they will soon be issuing their own passports, driver’s licenses and documents other nations of the world require as a separate nation. Information is sketchy at this juncture but I heard it for myself on the radio. So this is bound to raise eyebrows at the very least as the world digests this radio broadcast.
If this declaration is correct, NAFTA will also be a boom to this impoverished nation who has suffered since the time of conquest. In essence they would qualify for the all the perks other nations will get under this international compact. Granted they would be a third world and developing nation and qualify for yet more perks, whistles and bells.
My greatest fear is the repercussions from the Bush Administration and the iron fisted approach that will most likely ensue. This is the same time frame as the original “Wounded Knee Massacre” where innocent human beings were slaughtered in cold blood. Now, with this declaration of independence this nation faces the possibility of more bloodshed. The only difference is;
Your Devil’s Advocate
Creativity is the byproduct of a fertile mind
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
With all the chaos in the news these days, things can look pretty negative to say the least. But there is a silver lining it would appear. So we are living in the time of great change. Yea don’t have to buy into any of it and frankly, I don’t really care since it is your choice. All I am is a messenger, take it or leave it. With the news and data available for all to see, there is no real excuse as to why people simply don’t get it other than this lemming mentality. Elders say that society is likened to chickens rushing to eat the corn the ole farmer is tossing in the coup. They rush here and they rush there not caring who they step on to get the corn. And all the while the ole farmer is sizing up these chickens to find the plumpest one to butcher. But not everyone is buying into this race for the corn, so to speak. And happily there are human beings that cross cultural lines who see the reality of the world around them. In one vision I was shown a globe and on this globe was these purple dots. When these dots were connected they formed a loosely strung net of sorts around the Earth. I was told this would be humanities safety net for the more turbulent times ahead mankind will face. Further, my elders told me many people would simply not buy into the concept of Changing Times regardless of how ancient this notion is. Many more than not would rather adhere to the material consequence of contemporary society. But this loosely strung safety net would save a few and that is all that really matters. It ain’t nothing but meatball to me Paisan. So I’m a Krusty messenger eh……lol. Fortunately for humanity there are many others who see what I see. In the last year I must have met hundreds of other people I consider purple dots fore they all share the same visions. They cross all national and racial boundaries. From musicians and entertainers to civil engineers and airline pilots, even street kids like me. We all share this axiom of Changing Times and Humanitarianism. Just blows my mind since I was told about this back in the early 90’s in a vision. Now it is coming to pass on a scale I never could have possibly imagined. We truly are living in a time of great change. If you can not see it yet, eventually I guarantee you will, for your sake. For us purple dots, it’s already a done deal, Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom, Capice? Your Devil’s Advocate Buffalohair _________________ Creativity is the byproduct of a fertile mind |
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tanka Bar remembers Floyd Red Crow Westerman
![]() | |
Date: | Dec 18, 2007 9:27 AM |
Subject: | Tanka Bar remembers Floyd Red Crow Westerman |
Body: | Floyd
Westerman was the people’s artist. A reporter asked me what the passing of Floyd Westerman meant. The question took me off guard, so I mumbled something about him being a Native American Woody Guthrie because he was an artist of the people. But after I hung up the phone, I thought to myself that that was a completely inadequate tribute for a man of such great stature. I think we need to celebrate and honor the life of such a great man whose music helped unite and motivate the modern Indian Movement of the ‘60s and ‘70s. So much has been said about his successful career as a musician, actor, and world diplomat, it’s more than I can list. You can Google him and find the list of awards and tributes from around the world. Floyd was an artist whose songs of the ‘60s are almost prophetical when you look at the issues facing Indian country or read today’s headlines. His album, “Custer Died for Your Sins,” is filled with songs about events that were yet to pass. The song “B.I.A.,” with his powerful lyrics, “I am not your Indian anymore,” was written more than six years before the Indian Self-Determination Act was signed and more than three decades before the BIA was declared an incompetent trustee by Judge Royce Lamberth in the Cobell class action lawsuit. His song, “Missionary,” was written nine years before the Indian Freedom of Religion Act was passed giving Indian people freedom of religion for the first time. That same year, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) gave Indian tribes jurisdiction over Indian children for the first time. Floyd had been singing “Here Come The Anthros” more than 20 years before the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act became law. Listen to the words he wrote on “They Didn’t Listen:” And I told them not dig for gold For if they did the eagles would die They didn’t listen, They didn’t listen They didn’t listen to me And I told them if the Eagle died There would be no keeper of the land They didn’t listen, They didn’t listen They didn’t listen to me And if there was no keeper of the land Machines would come and soon pollute the sky They didn’t listen, They didn’t listen They didn’t listen to me And I told them if they pollute the sky Man would have to move into the sea They didn’t listen, They didn’t listen They didn’t listen to me And I told if they destroy the sea.... They didn’t listen, They didn’t listen They didn’t listen to me Floyd was singing about climate change before Al Gore even went to Vietnam. After singing for the better part of five decades, Floyd got to see the United Nations sign the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As a true artist of the people, he was able to provide a unified message by using the power of music to promote the issues that the grassroots activists were working on. He never hesitated to support anything positive going on in Indian Country. Floyd wrote “Wounded Knee” in 1973, long before most of the Spirit Riders, who are now retracing the steps of Chief Big Foot from Standing Rock to Wounded Knee, were ever born. I know Floyd would want us all to lend any support we could to these courageous young people as they continue the Wounded Knee Memorial Ride. His passion to help Indian people any way he could was uncompromising to the end. I first met Floyd when I was an impressionable teenager in Minneapolis and his music touched me because he sang about what the Native leaders and activists of the day were talking about. The first concert I ever promoted was a benefit for a Native school in Rapid City, S.D., featuring Floyd with Buffy Saint Marie and actor Will Sampson. While Floyd may have found success in Hollywood, he never became a Hollywood Indian. What I mean is he always stayed in touched and involved with those on the front line of the most pressing issues facing Native people. In September of this year, I had the honor to give Floyd a Tanka Bar at Morongo Pow-wow in the desert. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Tanka Bar. In a quiet moment when there wasn't a crowd around, he told me how sick he was as he sat by our side lending his voice to an organization that asked for his help. I asked what he was doing out in the sun? He said something to the effect of: “This is what I do and I am going to do it till I am gone!” His spirit of giving and energy touched each person who came by asking for his autograph, to take a photo, or to just say “Hi.” He so much loved the Tanka Bar that he told everyone about this great new energy bar from the Pine Ridge Reservation. One young volunteer said she could not taste it because she was a vegetarian. But that did not faze Floyd's enthusiasm. He told her, “But this is not meat, this is Buffalo protein. Natural protein, not meat.” Everyone had a good laugh and I told Floyd, “You know it is meat, right?” He said, “Not in a commercial way.” Well, the other day I was reading a USDA regulation that said Buffalo is a “non-amenable species” and NOT MEAT under the USDA regulations. Why should I be surprised that Floyd was right again when he has been right about everything else for the last 50 years? Note from Tanka Bar: This blog posting was written by Mark A. Tilsen, President of Native American Natural Foods. ![]() |
Monday, December 17, 2007
Chistmas Day Song and Dance at Monument Valley HS: Old Gym (kayenta)
We are putting together a XMAS Song'n Dance benefit to give pesents to families who are in need. Each singing group and members are encouraged to give a gift or two to children in the audience during the event. We encourage people to bring gifts and bring joy to children. All are Welcome!! Starts at Noon. |
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Here we go again for /pheonixradionet
Please go to
At the moment the website is under construction, but you can still see the relevant links there too.
We are dedicated to all unsigned and indie artist, we will do our best to plug such great talents!
To listen now, (with new code) copy and paste this link into your Play URL winamp files:
It will play only winamp!
And it will work for dail up users!
If you have any problems, please visit our forum and leave a message here:
Yikes I am in HOT WATER!
Buffalohair Friday, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 - 12:00 midnight ES
Crashed Radio Server?!!!!!!!!!!!To listen now, copy and paste this link into your winamp: NOT!
Ooooooooooh I was afraid of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having an idea of how many people we might be reaching around the world!
Three days now with server down! Site 'Shout Cast' is asking a Song of Why! Why? And saying ....
Current Stream Information Server Status: Server is currently down.
I will go hide now!
I did ask if it would crash radio site with big numbers of people tuning in ................You see I was asked to Make a Web page once, to promote an upcoming Site. That time I did not have world wide profile connections to use. So what I did was joined almost every English speaking Group I could find and put in the Web Page Link;-)When the New Site opened, it crashed from the heavy internet traffic jam that paid them a visit on opening day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes they were WOWED as they were young !
Now these DJs who have shows , I am sure, are not WOWED over a crashed server!
SHOUTcast AdministratorStream URL:, Stream AIM:, N/A. Stream IRC:. Current Song:, Bek Phillips - Why. Why? Why! ...
- 5k -
Native American Times...Floyd Red Crow Westerman (1936 - 2007)

The news story from Native American Times...
Floyd Red Crow Westerman (1936 - 2007)
Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Sisseton-Wapheton Dakota musician, actor, and activist, passed away at 5:00 a.m. PST, at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles after an extended illness. He was 71.
Westerman, who began his career as a country singer, appeared in over 50 films and televison productions, including Dances with Wolves, Hidalgo, The Doors, and Poltergeist, and Northern Exposure. He appeared in 12 episodes of the 1990s TV series, Walker, Texas Ranger, as Uncle Ray Firewalker.
As a young man, he was educated at the Wapheton and Flandreau Boarding Schools, where he became a close companion and life-long friend of Dennis Banks. He left his home on the Lake Traverse reservation in South Dakota, with a suitcase and an old guitar in hand. He rambled across the country playing country music and original tunes in bars and clubs, living for some time in Denver. In 1969, his first album Custer Died for Your Sins became the background theme of the emerging Red Power Movement. Before that,
As a member of American Indian Movement, and a spokesman for the International Indian Treaty Council, Westerman traveled the world extensively working for the betterment of native people. His vision of improved social conditions for indigenous people around the globe is reflected in the music of his second album, The Land is Your Mother, 1982. In 2006, he won a NAMMY Award for his third album, A Tributeto Johnny Cash. During his career, he played and collaborated with a number of notable musicians including Willie Nelson, Kris Kristopherson, Buffy St. Marie, Jackson Browne, Harry Belafonte, and Sting.
Before his musical acomplishments, Westerman had earned a degree in secondary education from Northern State University in South Dakota.
Westerman also worked throughout his life to empower Indian youth. "They are our future," he said in a November interview. "Today we are fighting a great battle against the popular culture that surrounds them. It's a battle for their hearts and minds. We need to work to inspire them to embrace their own history and culture. Without them, we Indians have no future."
Floyd Red Crow Westerman's Funeral will be held at Tiospa Zina School Gym in Sisseton, South Dakota.
Wake on Saturday and Sunday, December 15 and 16.
Funeral services Monday, December 17, at 10:00 a.m.
Flowers may be sent to the Sisseton Flower Shop, Sisseton, South Dakota.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Floyd has left us...
(Posted this morning on myspace)
From the Floyd Red Crow Westerman Family
Floyd Red Crow Westerman passed to the spirit world this morning in Los
Angeles, California, with family at his side. Services are pending. We
thank you from our hearts for all the prayers and support and kindness and
love that you have shown him and us.
Gwen Westerman Griffin
Mankato, MN
Red Crow
Folk / Country / Acoustic
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Quote: While we on this side are mourning his leaving this world, those in that other world are rejoicing because they can see him again and be with their loved one.
Dakota Sioux.
About Red Crow
FLOYD RED CROW WESTERMAN, American Indian activist and country folk
singer, was born on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Sioux reservation in
South Dakota in 1936. In the Dakota language RED CROW is pronounced
'Kanghi Duta'. At the age of ten, he was sent to a government boarding
school 80 miles off the reservation. He graduated from high school on
the Flandreau South Dakota Sioux reservation, and continued on to
Northern State College, South Dakota, majoring in Speech, Theater and
Art. He earned a degree in Secondary Education, as well as beginning
work on a Law Degree.
Well known on the country-folk singing circuit, RED CROW began his career in Colorado, and in 1969 he signed his first recording contract in New York. His first album, "Custer Died For Your Sins", based on Vine Deloria Jr.'s book, was released in 1970. The release of "Custer" led him to personal appearances throughout the U. S. and eventually worldwide. His second album, "The Land is Your Mother" was released in 1982. Since 1980 his concerts, in support of Human Rights for Indigenous People of the World, have taken him on more than 60 trips to Europe, Central and South America, as well as the U.S. and Canada. As a leader in the North American Indian Movement, he is actively involved in all aspects of human rights which includes, the recognition of treaty, land and religious rights. In 1999, he was elected national co-Chair of the Coalition Against Racism in Sports.
To raise funds for the Rain Forest Foundation Project, in the early 90âs RED CROW went on a worldwide tour with musician Sting. RED CROW'S commitment to help stop the cutting of the Rain Forest in the Amazon jungle gave him the opportunity to have an audience with many foreign dignitaries including, the Pope, Prince Charles, and President Mitterand of France.
RED CROW'S many personal appearances include concerts and song writing collaborations with such well known artists as Willie Nelson, Joni Mitchell, Kris Kristofferson, Richie Havens, Buffy Saint Marie, Jackson Browne, and Harry Belafonte. He also appears in Sting's video, released by A&M records and directed by Academy Award nominated director Jean Pierre Detelleux.
RED CROW made his big screen debut in the motion picture RENEGADES, directed by Jack Sholder. He played Arthur, the Lakota Sioux father to Lou Diamond Phillips. Since that time his list of screen credits has continued to grow. His work with a number of prestigious directors includes Kevin Costner, who was quick to cast him as the third lead in DANCES WITH WOLVES. Floydâs brilliant and memorable portrayal of Chief Ten Bears earned him worldwide acclaim and recognition in the motion picture industry.
Director Oliver Stone cast RED CROW in the pivotal role of a Shaman and spiritual guide to Jim Morrison in THE DOORS. RED CROW'S portrayal of such notable characters as No Ears, in BUFFALO GIRLS, Grandfather Fool Bull in LAKOTA WOMAN, and Wilf in CLEARCUT, is unforgettable. In 1999, Floyd once again played the classic role of the tribal elder in director Richard Attenborough's GREY OWL, starring Pierce Brosnan.
Network television quickly became aware of RED CROW'S talents and cast him as Uncle Ray in the series WALKER TEXAS RANGER. His numerous television roles include guest leads in Northern Exposure, The Pretender, L.A. Law, X-Files, Millennium, Roseanne, Dharma and Greg, and a cameo appearance as Sitting Bull in the four-hour mini-series, SON OF THE MORNING STAR, directed by Mike Robe. RED CROW brings a sense of dignity, honor, tradition, and heritage to all his acting pursuits. While working with other creative personnel, he promotes and teaches understanding, tradition and the meaning of all things sacred to Indian people. He continues to pursue his acting career and dedicating his life to the causes of human rights and environmental issues. He feels he is carrying the 'baton' passed on to him by fellow actor Will Sampson who received it from Chief DanGeorge.
Floyd Red Crow Westerman ö Filmography
Feature Films Date Character Director
RENEGADES 1989 Red Crow Jack Sholder
POWWOW HIGHWAY 1989 (CB voice) Jonathan Wacks
DANCES WITH WOLVES 1990 Chief Ten Bears Kevin Costner
THE DOORS 1991 Shaman Oliver Stone
CLEARCUT 1992 Wilf Richard Bugjaski
THE BRAVE 1997 Papa Johnny Depp
NATURALLY NATIVE 1998 Chairman Pico Valerie Red-Horse
GREY OWL 1998 Chief Wuttanee Richard Attenborough
Television Series Date Character Episode
MacGYVER 1988 Two Eagles Mask of the Wolf
HARDBALL 1989 Indian The Cleveland Indian
LEGENDS OF THE WEST 1993 narration
THE X-FILES 1995 Albert Hosteen Paper Clip
ROSEANNE 1995 Old Indian Last Thursday Nov.
THE PRETENDER 1997 Ernie Two Feathers Mirage
POLTERGEIST: THE LEGACY 1997 Ezekial Shadow Fall
MILLENNIUM 1997 Old Indian Single Blade of Grass
DHARMA & GREG 1997 George Little Fox Indian Summer
DHARMA & GREG 1998 George Little Fox Brought to You in
Dharmavision THE X-FILES 1999 Albert Hosteen Biogenesis
THE X-FILES 1999 Albert Hosteen Amor Finiti
Movies for Television, Documentary & Mini-Series
Date Character Director
SON OF THE MORNING STAR 1991 Chief Sitting Bull Mike Robe
THE DAKOTA CONFLICT 1992 narration
THE AMERICAN DREAM 1993 narration Bill Couterie
RIO SHANNON 1993 Gabriel Mimi Leder
SIRINGO 1994 Plenty Wounds Kevin Cremin
JONATHAN OF THE BEARS 1994 Chief Tawanka Enzo Castellari
SIEGE AT WOUNDED KNEE 1994 Grandfather Fool Bull Frank Pierson <p. 500="" nations="" 1995="" narration="" jack="" luestig="">
BUFFALO GIRLS 1995 No Ears Rod Hardy
X-FILES, THE MOVIE 1997 Albert Hosteen
CUSTER DIED FOR YOUR SINS 1970 Red Crow Enterprises, Inc.
THIS LAND IS YOUR MOTHER 1982 Red Crow Enterprises, Inc.
Red Crow's latest endeavor again merges his own life experiences with his distinctive brand of artistry. With a new series of bronze sculptures, he has beautifully recreated the most sacred spiritual Lakota/Dakota “Sacred Pipe,” as well as busts of the greatest, most influential leaders in American Indian history. Legendary heroes Sitting Bull, Geronimo and Chief Joseph, who led their nations against persecution and the devastating invasion of their land in the mid-19th century, compose an ideal triumvirate on which part of this collectible art is based.
The pieces are personally sculpted by Red Crow in an impressionistic medium before being bronzed to give it a fine patina glow. Upon completion, they are autographed by Red Crow, and given an official authentication number. The busts of the famous Indian leaders, which stand approximately 1-1/2 feet high, are hand crafted to match the pose of a corresponding historical photograph. One noteworthy characteristic of these busts is the leaders' eyes, to which Floyd has given particular attention, because in his words, “The eyes are key to the spirit of each of these men. Plus, they are of course, the window to their soul.”